Sunday, February 6, 2011

How to create a login page in Aspnet with sqlserver

In this article i would like to explain the procedure of creating login page using and c# with sqlserver .Three main tasks we need to do here.That is Database creation, Login Form Designing and implementing corresponding functionality.So lets start the procedure

First we have to create a database for storing the login information

Open the Sqlserver Management studio

Create a new database and change the database name as db_Login information

Create a New table in that database(db_Logininformation) and change the table name as tab_userinformation

Now, create the following fields

UserID   int         PrimaryKey

username varchar(50)

Password varchar(50)

Next, Enter the some usernames and password directly in the database for checking purpose and save the table

Next ,We need to create a login Screen 

First ,open the Microsoft visual studio 2008

Next,select the Aspnet web application and change the name as Login Page

Next,Open the design page of Login Page That is, Login.aspx Page. Then drag and drop two labels,two textboxes and one button

Next,Open the code page of the Login.aspx.cs

Now,add the three Lines

Sqlconnection con;

Sqlcommand com;

SqlDataReader dr;

Write the following code in the Button event

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connectionstring"].ToString());
        com = new SqlCommand("select Password from userinformation where Username='" + txt_uname.Text + "'", con);
        dr = com.ExecuteReader();
        if (!dr.Read())
            Response.write("Invalid User");
            if (dr[0].ToString() == txt_pwd.Text)
               Response.write("Wrong Password");


Finally,Execute the page....That's it...Happy coding

About the Author
Sayyad is a Software Engineer, Blogger and Founder of Developers Code from India.His articles mainly focus on .Net (Web and Windows based applications), Mobile Technologies (Android,IPhone,BlackBerry) and SEO.

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